Sunday, December 5, 2010


So since I can't really work out very well physically right now, I'm trying to improve myself in other ways.  One thing I really like about Beachbody as a company is that they're really big on personal development.  And trust me, I need me some personal development.  We had a great training thing yesterday with Craig Holiday and Traci Morrow...chances are really good the vast majority of the people who read this will have no idea who those people are (I know a year ago, I certainly had no idea who they were).  Traci is one of the founding coaches with Team Beachbody, and Craig is a marketing/leadership training guru of sorts.  They both came and spoke yesterday, and it was awesome.  We did these breakout sessions where Craig talked to the guys and Traci spoke with the gals.  It was really good stuff...very encouraging, very motivating, very challenging stuff.  A lot of it was encouraging me, as a man, to show my son and wife that I love them and work on healing any broken relationships, and work on consistently being the same person no matter where I am.  It was great, that it was this Beachbody event, but all the speakers were very heavily tinted with the Christian's just nice to be working with a company who isn't afraid to have very vocal Christians doing their training stuff, and allowing them to just be themselves and not have to hide that aspect of themselves while they're doing work...way different than really almost any other job out there...and, of course, I would be remiss if I didn't mention that I'd be happy to have any of you join my team and help end the obesity epidemic in America...feel free to send me an e-mail :)

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