I'M ALL DONE!!!! Day 89 was Yoga X for the LAST TIME...I seriously don't know that I'll ever do that again on purpose (aside from doing another round of P90X down the road)...hated it the first time, hated it the last time...Yoga's just not my thing, and that's okay...it's like eating Kale...it's really really good for you, and I love the heck out of it, but some people can't stand it...same thing with exercise...the same thing isn't for everyone...that's why there's 12 workouts in P90X :)
The last workout I did was Core Synergistics...love it. I will definitely be mixing that into my workout routing for training for the Omaha Half Marathon...great workout, works up a killer sweat, and it's FUN.
So now that I'm all done with P90X, what are my stats? I lost right at 20 pounds...when I stood on the scale Friday it said 194.4, when I stood on it tonight, it said 195.1...so I'm somewhere in there...I lost 6.5% body fat...started at 24.5 and finished at 18.0. I'm doing my fit test tomorrow, so I'll let you know that stuff later...
Really the main benefit for me from doing P90X is this...for starters,
I actually finished something I started! That might not be a big deal for you, but for me, it's huge. Also, I fit into clothes that I haven't fit into before...I've got stuff that I bought once upon a time as my "someday I'll lose enough weight to fit in these" clothes, and now I fit in them! Then you add in the fact that I'm in way better shape than I've really ever been in, and my running has vastly improved...I gotta say, I love me some P90X...it's tough sticking with something like that for 90 days...if I could go back in time, I'd do it all over again...the only thing I'd do different is punch myself everytime I ate garbage...I still suck at not eating crap...
I really enjoy the results I've seen from P90X, and that pushes me to keep going...I'm training for the Omaha 1/2 Marathon, and then after that, we'll see...I'm thinking about either doing P90X again or getting Insanity and doing that.
Here's a little before/after action:
I'll put some more pictures up later...it's late and I've got a cigar to smoke :)