Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Fit Test

So I more or less did my post P90X Fit Test tonight...I say more or less because I couldn't do the vertical leap test by myself, and then when I got done doing the heart rate (do a million jumping jacks) test, my stupid heart rate monitor decided to act up and not work...so I did 2 minutes of jumping jacks just for the fun of it :)  But for the stuff I did, here's my results...I gotta say, I'm pretty darn happy.

  • Pull Ups
    • Day 1:  1/2 a pull up
    • Day 90:  3 pull ups
  • Push Ups
    • Day 1:  16
    • Day 90:  40
  • Toe Touch
    • Day 1:  0 (right at my toes)
    • Day 90:  +3 (3 inches past my toes)
  • Wall Squat
    • Day 1:  1 min. 30 sec.
    • Day 90:  2 min. 34 sec.
  • Bicep Curls
    • Day 1:  34 reps with the Red Band
    • Day 90:  22 reps with the Green Band
  • In & Outs
    • Day 1:  28
    • Day 90:  57
Now I know some of that might not mean a whole lot to you, but I'm stoked...I'm most happy about the Push Ups and the In & Outs...those both kinda surprised me a little bit.

I started today with my training schedule for the Omaha Half Marathon...once that's done at the end of September, Joyful and I will do P90X together, which will be awesome!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Day 89 and 90

I'M ALL DONE!!!!  Day 89 was Yoga X for the LAST TIME...I seriously don't know that I'll ever do that again on purpose (aside from doing another round of P90X down the road)...hated it the first time, hated it the last time...Yoga's just not my thing, and that's okay...it's like eating Kale...it's really really good for you, and I love the heck out of it, but some people can't stand it...same thing with exercise...the same thing isn't for everyone...that's why there's 12 workouts in P90X :)

The last workout I did was Core Synergistics...love it.  I will definitely be mixing that into my workout routing for training for the Omaha Half Marathon...great workout, works up a killer sweat, and it's FUN.

So now that I'm all done with P90X, what are my stats?  I lost right at 20 pounds...when I stood on the scale Friday it said 194.4, when I stood on it tonight, it said 195.1...so I'm somewhere in there...I lost 6.5% body fat...started at 24.5 and finished at 18.0.  I'm doing my fit test tomorrow, so I'll let you know that stuff later...

Really the main benefit for me from doing P90X is this...for starters, I actually finished something I started!  That might not be a big deal for you, but for me, it's huge.  Also, I fit into clothes that I haven't fit into before...I've got stuff that I bought once upon a time as my "someday I'll lose enough weight to fit in these" clothes, and now I fit in them!  Then you add in the fact that I'm in way better shape than I've really ever been in, and my running has vastly improved...I gotta say, I love me some P90X...it's tough sticking with something like that for 90 days...if I could go back in time, I'd do it all over again...the only thing I'd do different is punch myself everytime I ate garbage...I still suck at not eating crap...

I really enjoy the results I've seen from P90X, and that pushes me to keep going...I'm training for the Omaha 1/2 Marathon, and then after that, we'll see...I'm thinking about either doing P90X again or getting Insanity and doing that.

Here's a little before/after action:

I'll put some more pictures up later...it's late and I've got a cigar to smoke :)

Friday, August 13, 2010

Day 88

Day 88 was X Stretch...man, I had forgotten how nice that one is...I'm gonna have to remember to do that from time to time in the future.  Just an hour of stretching...a tiny bit of yoga, but basically just stretching you from top to bottom.  I got done and my body was just like, "ahhhhhhhhh".

Next up, Core Synergistics!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day 87

So for me, personally, one of the best things about doing P90X has been the improvement of my own self-image.  I have a pretty serious lack of self confidence, and I've never really had very positive feelings about my body.  Tonight when I was doing my Kenpo X, I happened to be standing more on the left side of the living room than normal, which put me in front of a mirror while I worked out...I found it very gratifying to actually see a change in my body, and feel good about my progress!

I really do wish it weren't so hot right now...I've got the itch to be out running, but it's freakishly hot outside, and it's even uncomfortable early in the morning.  I suppose if I were super motivated, I'd just run on the treadmill, but it's just so boring!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day 85 and 86

Yesterday was my off day....glorious, glorious off day...it felt so good to rest this week.  I don't know why, but last week wore me out..I don't know if it's because I ran some, but it killed me by Sunday.

Today I did Core Synergistics...I really enjoy that one, and I hadn't gotten to do it for quite some time, so it was great to do...I really think when I'm in full blown training for the half marathon, I'm going to have to mix Core Synergistics into my routine...it really helps running to have a solid core...it keeps your form better thereby helping you avoid wasting energy.

It's crazy to me that I've got less than a week left of P90X...Sunday's my last day (it should have been Saturday, but I shifted my off day to Monday so that got me off a day).  While the scale isn't telling me the number I really wanted to see, I feel so much better physically and mentally.  I'm fitting into clothes I haven't fit into in ages and people are telling me that they can tell I'm doing something because I'm looking thinner...it's a tough thing, that weight.  You want to get down to a number you have in your mind as being the ideal...maybe you get there maybe you don't...but you can't let it get to you if you don't.  It's like Tony's always saying in the workouts...set a goal for yourself, if you do...great, if you don't...write it down and you'll get there eventually.  Just because I'm almost done with P90X, that doesn't mean I'm almost done exercising.  I've seen what a difference regular exercise can make in my body and mind...I don't plan on stopping any time soon :)

Oh and hey, you should check out my brand new, actually attractive looking website! 

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Days 82, 83 and 84

Friday was Legs and Back with Ab Ripper X, and Saturday was Yoga X...it turns out that the P90X people knew what they were doing when they designed the schedule...I got off this week for whatever reason, and was doing stuff out of order.  By the time I got to Yoga X last night, my body was EXHAUSTED...I did back and biceps, then legs and back...too much back stuff...when I got to Yoga X, I had the hardest time doing a lot of it...but hey, I did my workouts darn it!

Today, being Day 84, I've got Chest Shoulders and Triceps (aka evil push up day)...we'll see how that goes...push ups have still been a challenge with my elbow hurting, but we'll see how I do.

I got out for a  5 mile run today...got it done in 42:30!  That's about an 8 1/2 min/mile pace, which I'm super happy about.  I had intended to do 10K today, but I went out too fast and killed my legs, so I just did the 5 miles...but I got a great time :)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Day 80 and 81

So yesterday, we hosted the high school and college age people from church to watch a movie.  That didn't get over till like 11, so no working out for me yesterday :)  So today, I got in a little over 2 hours of working out!  I did Back and Biceps with Ab Ripper X, and Kenpo X.  Really, I should have done Yoga X, but I figured with doubling up today, doing Yoga wasn't something I really wanted to do.  So we're planning on doing Yoga on Saturday instead of Kenpo.

It's so crazy that today is Day 81...only a little over a week left!  It'll be exciting to do pictures and measurements and the Fit Test and see how all that comes out...I weighed myself today, and it told me my body fat was down to 17.5...so that was really exciting for me :)  That's the lowest I've ever seen that...

Tomorrow is the glorious Legs and Back...that's always a butt kicker...

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day 79

Today was Plyometrics...great workout...I feel like I did better in certain parts (squatted lower, jumped the whole time, etc.)  The problem I had today was that I had a fabulous dinner at my work's company picnic...I didn't completely gorge myself, but I definitely ate a little too much...we did our workout 3 1/2 hours after we ate, but I still felt like I was going to throw up half the time.  I actually did throw up in my mouth a little bit one time, but I never full out puked...so I'd call that a success :)

I got my 3 mile run in the morning...it was way nicer out than I thought it was going to be, so that was nice.  I don't know how long it took me...I didn't wear a watch.  It was actually really nice, I didn't have on a watch, I didn't have my iPod, I wasn't wearing a shirt...just shoes, socks and shorts...it was very nice and relaxing...a great way to start the day. 

I think I'll try to start my day the same way tomorrow...though we'll see how I'm feeling after the Plyo tomorrow morning :)

Monday, August 2, 2010

Day 77 and 78

So yesterday was originally supposed to be my rest day, but I did that a different day last week, so I did Yoga X with Joyful...I still really just don't like that workout.  It doesn't help currently that my left elbow has been hurting me when I do push-ups, so doing the first 45 min. of Yoga X is tough/painful.  The last half was actually kind of nice this time around, though.  The very end was super relaxing, which was great.

In addition to doing the Yoga X, I ran 5 miles in the morning before church.  The greatest part about that was that I knocked it out in 44 minutes!!!  I'm so excited that doing P90X has drastically improved my running abilities.  Running is the form of exercise that I really enjoy doing, and I've always wanted to actually be fast...with the help fo P90X, I'm on my way.  When I get done with this round of P90X, I'm going to be training full force for a half marathon at the end of September...I'm planning on sticking with exercise 6 days a week...running 4 and doing a P90X the other 2, and doing Ab Ripper X 3 days a week....I'm going to write my own schedule.  I'm shooting for a sub-2 hour half marathon.  I have to get it done at about a 9 minute/mile pace...if I could score a 1:45 half marathon, I'd be extatic...

Today I've decided to do what I should've done 78 days ago...I'm changing my schedule a little bit.  I'm making Monday be my off day and I'm going to work out on Sunday.  Monday is my long day at work, and by the time I get home, it's either really late, or pretty late...either way, working out is the last thing I want to do after working 12 hours on my feet.  So I'm not going to work out today...my plan is to wake up early-ish tomorrow morning and get out for a 3 or 5 mile run, and then do my P90X in the evening...