Thursday, October 14, 2010

Day 14 and 15

Yesterday was my rest I didn't really feel like blogging...I took a rest day from that, too :)  It was a good day to rest, as I had a pretty sweet head ache when I came home from work...and then Isaiah was having nothing to do with sleep and was super fussy...we ended up going for a 2 mile walk with the stroller to knock him out...worked like a charm.

Today is day 15...Chest and Back with Ab Ripper X.  In this workout, you go through the workout and then repeat the whole thing.  The first time through you're supposed to pace yourself and the 2nd time through you try and push yourself to see how far you can go...The first time through, I really wanted to do more reps than previous times...sure enough, the 2nd time through, I didn't have a whole lot left in me.  But I pushed myself as hard as I could...sometimes I had to relegate myself to doing push ups from my knees, but I did it as hard as I could.

I felt like I did pretty good overall with Ab Ripper...I've gotten to where I can do all of Hip Rock & Raise, and Heels to the the last 2 times I've been able to go the entire time on Mason Twist, which has been very exciting for me :)

Eating is a struggle...when I'm at home I'm fine, but at work we're no longer allowed to bring outside food in the building, and it's not like I've ever had a lunch break (or really any break for that matter)...they told me that I could bring some food and leave it in my car and run out and eat real quick when I need to, but that's not really practical at all...I had been sneaking in  P90X Protein Bar and having that when I got hungry, but we're all out now.  So my options are either go hungry all day and let my metabolism shut down and go into starvation mode or munch on work food that's not good for me...really neither option is good...the ideal option would be the one that doesn't getting to bring my lunch in to work and leave it in the break room and eat when I'm hungry, but alas...that's not an option...the joys of restaurant work..

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