Sunday, October 17, 2010

Day 18

Today was the joys of Yoga X...though really, I didn't mind it too much today...weird, I know.  You want to know how to get over hating yoga?  Listen to something else while you do it...let your mind be thinking about something other than yoga!  It's almost the opposite of what Tony (and really every yoga instructor in the world) tells you...they always say (in very meditative tones) to clear your mind, stay in the moment, etc. etc...well what if you hate the moment?  What if all you can think about is how much you hate what you're doing right now?  Then I say, think about something else!  Every Sunday night, there's a Beachbody webinar at tonight, we put that going on the computer and turned up the volume, and then started doing Yoga X and turned the music off, so that all we could hear was Tony was a little tricky to catch when you were supposed to change position, but it was great...time flew by...I wasn't as angry...then when the webinar ended and we still had yoga to do, I put on a great recorded Craig Holiday conference call where he talked about living your life with quote that I really liked from Craig's thing was this, "courage is doing important things that you might not like very much".  I really liked that because it means that anyone can be courageous.  I have a hard time going up and talking to for me to do that, is courageous.

So how about that Yoga, you ask...the actual workout was pretty good...I saw some improvement on a couple poses...I could actually do Right Angle pose the whole time on both sides, which I was super stoked about.  I still can't hold Crane, which didn't shock me in the slightest...I will be able to by the end of P90X, though...There's this whole weird sequence that I don't know if it's "real" yoga or Tony's made up yoga, but it's Warrior 3, and then Half Moon and Twisting Half Moon...I usually find it pretty much physically impossible...but today I could actually do it on one side, which pretty much shocked me.

All in all, it was a good night for the Yoga...some moves felt fabulous, some felt horrible, and by the end I was sleeping in relaxation pose :)

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