Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Day Seven

And on the 7th day, he rested.  Joyful and I decided we'd set up our P90X schedule so that Wednesday is our off day since we have stuff we tend to do Wednesday nights, what with hanging out with our cigar buddies and helping out with the college age group for gets to be a busy night.

So what are my thoughts of week 1?  I'm glad you asked!  First off, I am LOVING being in a habit/routine of working out daily again.  Someone at a Beachbody training thing said (rightly so) that it's so much easier to stick with your fitness and nutrition when you're actively doing one specific program.  That month and a half I was attempting to train for the Omaha 1/2 marathon, I had the hardest time keeping myself going.  I don't know why...I wrote up a spectacular training schedule for myself that was realistic yet challenging, I had a goal and a time-line...but for some reason I just couldn't stick with it.  I really think that part of what helps me stick with the P90X is doing this blog.  I don't want to have to write that I skipped a workout, or that I ate a bunch of garbage today (speaking of which...darn you, mom!  I can't stop eating those stupid cookies!). 

The other thing I've enjoyed is seeing a tiny bit of improvement in the mirror.  Really that just comes from me sweating off excess water, but it helps me see muscle.  I got home from work and was changing out of work clothes and saw myself in the mirror, and I actually kinda had noticable abs!  I was in shock.  My mid section is really the thing I'm hoping to get rid of in this round...obviously I want better overall fitness, but I really want to work on my abs/core so I can have some sweet muscles to show off :)  Being a guy, it'd be cool to have big 'ol guns on my arms, but whatever...some time down the road.  My goal by the end of this round of P90X is to lose body fat (my goal is to be at 13%) so you can see the muscle that's hiding underneath.

Also, I've really enjoyed going through this with Joyful...the accountability of doing this workout with my wife has been awesome.  There have already been a couple nights when I'm just tired and would love nothing more than to go to bed, but there she is, making me do my workout.  I need that.  If only she could be with me 24/7 to help me with my eating.  Thus far, I feel like I am doing better than in the past.  I haven't had 1 doughnut (mercifully nobody's brought them to work to test me yet...)  I've been watching my carbs like a hawk and trying to take in a bunch of protein and get in my veggies.  Of course, Shakeology helps out a's super yummy, so it helps with the sweet tooth, plus it's got all the protein (17g!  Plus more if I make it with milk and peanut butter) and all that other good for you stuff. 

Ok, I've rambled on long enough...all in all, week 1 was good.  I can't say that I had really any change in weight or body fat the first week, but I was already pretty active, plus I had just gotten done doing the Shakeology 3 Day Cleanse prior to starting P90X...but I feel like I'm doing well thus far :)

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