Today was Shoulders and Arms plus Ab Ripper X...lots of curls, shoulder presses and tricep exercises. My favorite one was one where you lay on the ground on your side, put the hand of your top arm on the ground and hug your shoulder with your bottom arm...then you push yourself up off the ground with your top arm. It's a great tricep workout and I had never seen that one before :) Not that today was easy by any means, but it was nice to get a break from the cardio of yesterday. Also, instead of doing Ab Ripper X (since like 75% of it was physically impossible for me), I did the Slim and 6 Pack workout from Slim in's a 15 minute ab workout that was a challenge for me...I think I'm going to do that every day since it's obviously easier than the Ab Ripper X...eventually when I've built up my abs I'll go back and try Ab Ripper X so I can do that.
I actually can't feel yesterday's workout in my legs hardly at all...I suppose it helps that I stand all day and I've done some marathons and half marathons...
time for breakfast!
i really enjoy reading your progress on here every day!