Sunday, May 16, 2010

Fit Test

I did my P90X Fit Test today.  Since P90X is an "extreme" workout program, it's not intended for everyone.  They have you do a test before you start the workout to make sure you meet the minimum requirements to do the workout.  I'm happy to say that I met the minimums, so tomorrow morning I start P90X! 

Not shockingly, I couldn't even do one pull-up...I got about half way up, and that was as good as I could do.  That's the one test that the Fit Test allows you to says men should be able to do 3 pull ups but in reality a lot of people won't be able to do one, so just write down how far up you could go :)

I'll post on here every day so you can see how I'm doing and what I think about the workout...I'm excited and nervous all at the same time...I pretty much plan on being in pain this time tomorrow..but we'll see, I suppose.  Enjoy following along with my progress and click on the "contact me" button if you have any questions or comments...

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