Sunday, July 11, 2010

Days 55 and 56

We had family in town all day yesterday, so I used that as my day off and did Yoga X today.  The thing that made it especially interesting today was that last night I think I broke the pinkie toe on my left foot.  I was going down the stairs when it was dark, and I didn't realize there was a cat there...I stepped on her and then that knocked off my balance and I stumbled down the stairs and whacked my toe really good.  When I got up this morning, it was pretty swollen and turning purple.  Right now, pretty much my whole toe is a lovely shade of purple.

I was still able to do the Yoga X, did take a little bit extra positioning to get in some of the poses so that my toe didn't kill me.  I was surprised that I was able to do most of the balance postures on my left leg...there was 1 or 2, but for the most part I could do everything more or less normally.  We'll see how it goes when I have to do more active stuff, but for today it wasn't too bad.

Tomorrow I start my final 3 week segment of P90X...I'm down to only having like 33 days left!  that's crazy...

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