Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Days 57 and 58

So between having what I'm pretty sure is a broken pinkie toe on my left foot, and working a ton yesterday, I didn't get my workout in...consequently, I had to do 2 workouts today.  AND, since I didn't want to wake up this morning, I had to do my 2 workouts back to back tonight...my saving grace was that since my toe is still killing me, I can't do Plyometrics, which is what today was to be...so I did Cardio X instead. 

Yesterday's workout that I did today was Chest and Back...that workout was good...I saw some sweet improvement over the last time I did that one about a month ago...the first time through the circuit when we did standard push ups, I was able to knock out 30, which I was happy with.  I saw some improvement on other things, too, but that was the best one.

Cardio X was kinda frustrating for me...I had to modify a fair amount since my toe wouldn't let me do stuff, and there was a couple things I couldn't figure out how I could modify it, so I just stood there and stared at the TV pissed off.  I'm really really hoping my toe stops hurting before too long...if I didn't have Joyful here to force me to work out, I would definitely be using my toe as an excuse to not work out at all...I just have to keep telling myself that even if i can't do everything, whatever I am doing is better than nothing...

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